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Community Outreach

Parish Food Pantry

Throughout the year, students collect non-perishable food for the parish food pantry.  In addition, fresh produce from the garden is washed, bagged and labeled by students with the help of the teachers. The pantry services residents of La Mesa.


Advent – Catholic Relief Services’ Gift of Hope Tree

The Gift of Hope Tree activity is an opportunity to invite children and families to reflect on how Christ was born into poverty, and how this relates to the reality of many other families around the world today.  Participants will consider what gifts the Holy Family might have needed and how those gifts compare to what people who live in poverty night need.

Gifts from the Catholic Relief Services Gift Catalog bless your family and our poorest brothers and sisters overseas. These gifts transform lives and show recipients just how much you care.

Here are some examples:

Health exams for 12 children: $25

Modified bicycle for a child with disabilities: $50

Quality seed for a season: $50

1 lamb or kid (baby goat): $80

Emergency household kit: $25

Hand-washing station: $30


Mission Childhood Association

Each year, Sr. Eva from the Missions Office gives a presentation to the students encouraging them to offer their prayers, personal sacrifices, and financial help (mission collection globes can be found in each classroom) to support volunteer work in the Missions. In previous years, money has been donated to the Missions in Africa, Asia, and remote regions of Latin America.  During the season of Lent, students earn money and/or collect donations for Missions.


Catholic Relief Services

Student Council organizes blankets, socks, and daily necessities donations throughout the school year.


Community Appreciation Day

During Catholic Schools Week, cards and expressions of appreciation are given to La Mesa service agencies.


Responsibility – Preschool/Kindergarten in Tijuana

Eighth-grade students fulfill the “Santa” letter requests from children who attend Responsibility, a preschool & kindergarten in Tijuana, for Christmas.


“Thinking of You” Parish Outreach

Students send greetings to those who are homebound, seriously ill or elderly in the parish community. Each class adopts three or four people. Students also pray for these parishioners as part of their daily class prayers.


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